December 2022 UPDATE
I’ve looked at the last post I put on here and it’s dated May 2021, that’s a long time ago and I feel especially guilty as I said in my last sentence, ” I won’t leave it so long before coming back on here”, I was over optimistic!
But I’m here now and I’ll fill in some of the gaps covering the past eighteen months or so! By the way I did reslate my roof, very proud of that and I didn’t hurt myself!
A lot has happened as is usual in my life, some good, some not so good and some sad.
Let’s go back to the beginning of last season, July 2021.
I got off to a good start on the Wye where we caught plenty of barbel up to the 9lb mark, but towards the end of the month it was just too hot and barbel fishing was put on hold.
Before that though I managed a visit to Cromwell weir where many barbel were caught, twenty or so doubles including six over 13lb. It really is a unique place.

On the Wye
As the season progressed trips to the Severn proved to be quite tricky although catching a double during the middle of a hot day on the lower river was definitely a memorable capture.
Other visits to the Trent produced more of the same with somewhere in the region of a hundred doubles coming our way up to close on 16lb.
Here are a few pictures which tell the story.

On the weir

Weir days

Weir fourteen

Weir double

Another weir double

Weir fun

On the weir

Mick’s cracker
Before the year came to an end my eldest daughter and grandson Henry returned to England from Australia and found themselves living not too far away from me, this obviously had a major impact on my life and I found myself concentrating more on Henry’s football than I did on the fishing.
But came May in 2022 and at last we were able to put on a Barbel Show and it was especially memorable for me because I gave a talk and Henry was right there in the front row giving me his support!
The show was filmed and you can find all the talks over on YouTube.
This season has produced good results from the Wye and Trent and the Severn around Shrewsbury is beginning to unlock its riches.
A few more pictures capturing the fun on those visits.

Weir action.

Big barbel

A nine from the Wye

Happy days

Wye barbel

A nine from the Wye
I mentioned at the start of this piece that there have been some sad times, none more so than the loss of a great friend , John Found. I’ve written at length in the next issue of Barbel Fisher about my relationship with John who was not just a great angler but a wonderful man as well. These days I find myself editing the magazine and this issue is dedicated to John.


Barbel Fisher 54
If you check out the article section on here you will find one from John, he didn’t produce many features, he shoud have because he was extremely knowledgable on so many aspects of fishing, he has left a huge void and will be missed by so many.
I’ve mentioned my grandson Henry, we did manage a few hours fishing together on the Severn at Sydney Avenue but the fish hadn’t read the script, there will be other times and I will very much look forward to those.

At the beginning of the season I did something I haven’t done in thirty five years, I fished for tench and I enjoyed every second! I really hope I can get out and have a go for these beautiful fish more often, caught them on the float as well which just added to the fun. A big thank you to my good friends Lol Breakspear and Rich Frampton for arranging the session.
I’ve now lived in mid Wales for more than fifteen years and I have always intended to fish the upper reaches of the Severn and I mean way up, the sort of places where grayling and trout thrive.
Barbel are here too, not many and only worth pursuing if you are a local and for the first time in my life I can say I’m local!
A few short sessions have produced some fish and I’m looking forward to catching more of these elusive barbel.
In closing I would like to thank Dynamite Baits and Free Spirit Fishing for their continued support, fantastic companies who are simply the best.
A big thank you to everyone who is a member of the Barbel Society, I’m intensely proud of this organisation.
Thanks too to Lymm Angling Club, I’m very pleased and honoured to be an Ambassador for them.
I’m just beginning to organise my diary for next summer and my guiding days have been drastically reduced so please get in touch sooner rather than later if you would like a day on the river with me.
We are now into the Festive Season so all that remains is for me to wish you all a very merry Christmas and may the New Year bring the fish of your dreams!
Bye for now,
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